Monday, October 13, 2008

Why not ADULT?

Well, for the past few months Ive been browsing the internet and I have been noticing that most people would love to get a puppy(a baby dog). I am really confused by their reasons on why they don't like in getting an adult dog or would re-consider getting an adult dog instead of a puppy.

1st reason: The dog didn't grow up with our family & would probably not have the same bonding with us as compared with a puppy that grew up with us.

--WRONG! We, pomeranians are very flexible dogs, once you show us how much love and adoration you give us we are yours forever REGARDLESS of age. I went home with my human at 7 months and yet I adjusted completely within a week! My half brother Chico(+) went home with K, at 1 year and I was told at only one day they were already inseparable and Chico adjusted very well. Jeffrey & Pinky went home with K at 1 year and they did adjust and bonded with the family at just a week.

2nd reason: The dog would still be yearning for his old owner/family.

--WRONG! As I said, we love anyone who would shower us with the same love and care. My friend Kobe now Rockee, went home to his new owner Ninang Liza when he was 2. He never yearned for his old family back, because Liz shown him love & adoration.

3rd reason: We wouldn't know the health history of the dog, he may have hidden illness

--WRONG! well, it depends where you get your dog, who the breeder is. The breeder must be trustworthy & would be willing to tell you any information about the dog and his whole history. The dog's breeder is important, they must be willing to share stories and information about their furkids. If you smell something fishy and are not comfortable with the breeder please don't get your forever companion from them.

I hope more people are willing to open themselves in getting adult dogs, not because they want them bred faster but because they want to consider a loving pet into their lives. Adult dogs are more health-stable and would be less risk in getting distemper, parvo virus or any disease in the same nature. And would be less likely to have hypoglycemia attacks. Adult dogs have more stable temperament than young puppies and even though you can not "mold" them to what you want, you can choose a dog with the temperament that suits you. And of course "less heartbreaks" in terms of physical appearance because in adult dogs, "what you see is what you get" :-)

so this is me hoping you consider a loving adult dog to your family.

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