Monday, May 4, 2009

Remembering Kuya Chico's (3rd) birthday.

On May 5th my human K always gets sentimental..and she always tells me it's because May 5th is my Kuya Chico's birthday. This year 2009, he was supposedly to be 3 years old.. my human K would always tell me stories about what kind of the dog he human K would always tell me endless stories about his adventures from the 4 months he was with her.

I remember particularly that whenever K gets home, Kuya Chico is always waiting for her on the top of the stairs always soo excited to meet her, he never fails to greet her when she gets home. He is always there at the stairs waiting, waiting.. When he was alive he would always stay at K's room whenever K was away

Kuya Chico pictured above. :-)

HAPPY 3rd birthday Kuya...We always miss you here, and we try our best to make you proud

Brad and the rest of the gang :)

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